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Kidding Around Yoga Blog

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May 08 2024

Yoga For Emotional Regulation in Children

Many children have difficulty regulating their emotions. Tantrums, outbursts, whining, defiance, fighting:  these are all behaviors you see when kids experience...

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Nov 17 2023

A conversation with Sara Dean of Shameless Mom Academy

EP. 53 | A conversation with Sara Dean of Shameless Mom Academy In this episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY, Kelly and Kristi engage in a soul-stirring...

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Every Little Cell in my Body is Happy

The Every little cell in my body is happy… Stress Management for kids and adults too! Upon hearing some of our original Kidding Around Yoga (KAY) songs, people frequently ask me which one of our 50 KAY songs is my favorite. “Well”… I say, excited to share the love,...

Risk-Taking in Children’s Yoga Classes

We've all heard the terms: Helicopter Parent, Zamboni Mom, Lawnmower Parent. These derogatory labels are slapped onto folks who want to pave the way for their children. They hover near their kids and smooth their journey so as not to be injured, upset, or frustrated....

Episode 15

“Art and Mindfulness: a conversation with Dr. Pravesh Budram” – Kelly and Kristi spend time discussing the fascinating connection between art and mindfulness

Reuse Those Plastic Eggs!

It's that time of year, again. The Easter Bunny has come and gone, leaving tons (literally tons) of plastic eggs behind. Rather than throwing the plastic eggs away to inevitably end up in a landfill or in the stomach of a bird or critter, let's yoga-fy the eggs with...

Episode 14

“Nature: a resource for both physical and mental health” – Kelly and Kristi
explore nature’s effects on our physical and mental health

Episode 13

“A Gratitude Practice: What is it and why it can be so helpful to manage stress and overwhelm” – Kristi and Kelly share the gratitude practices they use in their homes and classrooms

Episode 12

“Interview with Jessica Mougis” –
Kelly and Kristi chat with the host and creator of The Kids Yoga Podcast, Jessica Mougis

Episode 11

“It is all FUN and GAMES: using play to encourage mindfulness, movement, and connection” – Kelly and Kristi talk about taking an oldie-but-goodie game and yoga-fying it for a whole new (yet familiar) experience

Episode 10

“Homework Help: mindful strategies to ease the struggle” – Kelly and Kristi share their top tips and insights for taming the homework anxiety

Episode 9

“Music: A Mind and Body Experience” – Kelly and Kristi discuss the power of using music in our homes and classrooms

Episode 8

“Demystifying Meditation” – Kristi and Kelly debunk common myths about meditation and convince you to start small and give it a try

Mountain Pose: Tadasana

  Stand tall, evenly on both feet. Lift your crown to the sky (NOT your chin). Feel strong like a mountain. Reach your arms overhead to come into Extended Mountain Pose (or Volcano). Where is your mountain? Is it snowy or is it forest? Are there cliffs? What...


Keep your body in one long line, not falling to one side or the other. If you can't bind your hands behind your back, hold onto a strap or towel. This pose is calming and can improve introspection

The Yoga Garden

The end of winter is finally upon us. So as the snow begins melting and the green buds start peeking out from the hibernating trees, it's time to start planning and planting a yoga garden for your children. For Kids Yoga, a gardening theme is a perfect way to welcome...

Episode 7

“Bedtime Struggles? Mindful strategies to help your family sleep well” – Kelly and Kristi share mindfulness-based tools and strategies for sending your little ones off to dreamland


Bringing Mindfulness into the Classroom

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Relaxation & Meditation for Kids

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