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Inspiring and educating people to empower future generations through the practice of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness with a fun twist.

about kidding around yoga

Empowering you to guide the next generation


Kidding Around Yoga was founded by Haris Lender in 2009. Since we began spreading the love of Kids Yoga we have trained more than 10,000 people across the globe and as a result, our teachers have delivered classes to more than 1 million children worldwide.

Our unique program combines the principles of ancient yoga practices with a fun and engaging twist, which is coupled with a series of original music written and performed by our founder and many members of the KAY family.


Trained Kidding Around Yoga Teachers

About Kidding around yoga

What is Kids Yoga?

A lot of people think of yoga as the Asanas (poses) that the body makes during a Yoga Flow class, but yoga is so much more than just asanas.

Yoga is made up of 8 elements (limbs):

  • Yama: five ethical practices (nonviolence, truthfulness, non-stealing, non-excess, forgiveness, compassion)
  • Niyama: five self-discipline standards (cleanliness, contentment, discipline, self-study, and surrender to a higher power)
  • Asana: physical postures for health and focus
  • Pranayama: breathing exercises
  • Pratyahara: control of the senses
  • Dharana: concentration
  • Dhyana: meditation
  • Samadhi: union with the highest state

Kids Yoga adapts all of these elements into a child-friendly form with exercises and practices that are both fun and engaging for kids.

Kidding Around Yoga TEAM

Meet Team KAY

Team KAY includes a diverse group of women from around the globe. No matter what time of day it is, one of us is working to grow the reach of Kids Yoga through training development, course and curriculum creation, marketing, technology, customer service, and so much more. Team KAY shares one common goal: to empower future generations through the practice of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness with a fun twist.


Team KAY 2023

What Our Students Say

I loved this training, I loved meeting new friends and having this community! I highly recommend this training to current yogis working with children. The information was so incredible and very well organized with plenty of time in each area of focus. Every question or concern I...
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I loved this training, I loved meeting new friends and having this community! I highly recommend this training to current yogis working with children. The information was so incredible and very well organized with plenty of time in each area of focus. Every question or concern I had was fully answered and I gained so much valuable knowledge in just 1 month! Absolutely wonderful trainers in this group, they are helping us to help heal and empower the youth while spreading our love of yoga ❤️
I got way more than I expected from this course. I, like so many other people where I live, only knew yoga as the asanas. After immersing myself in this training, and learning about all 8 limbs of yoga, I have been inspired to enroll in a 200 hour adult course to ...
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I got way more than I expected from this course. I, like so many other people where I live, only knew yoga as the asanas. After immersing myself in this training, and learning about all 8 limbs of yoga, I have been inspired to enroll in a 200 hour adult course to continue furthering my own knowledge of the practice. I love that I have so many incredible ideas and tools to bring the asanas, meditation, mindfulness, pranayama, and more to the students at my school!
As a recent graduate of the 95-hour KAY Virtual Advanced Training, I feel fully prepared to teach all eight limbs of yoga to children from birth through the teenage years, in a variety of settings and with confidence. I highly recommend Kidding Around Yoga trainings to any current or aspiring ...
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Alexis Besosa
As a recent graduate of the 95-hour KAY Virtual Advanced Training, I feel fully prepared to teach all eight limbs of yoga to children from birth through the teenage years, in a variety of settings and with confidence. I highly recommend Kidding Around Yoga trainings to any current or aspiring children's yoga teacher, or anyone looking to bring yoga to their home, studio or classroom. There's a class for literally anyone and everyone who wants to bring the gifts of yoga, meditation and mindfulness to children. You will not regret it!
Alexis Besosa
Kidding Around Yoga isn’t kidding around. Well, they are. But they are serious about it. I wanted to help children learn how to self-calm and feel the benefits of Yoga. So I looked for a teacher training program. I found Kidding Around Yoga (KAY)...
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Kidding Around Yoga isn’t kidding around. Well, they are. But they are serious about it. I wanted to help children learn how to self-calm and feel the benefits of Yoga. So I looked for a teacher training program. I found Kidding Around Yoga (KAY) and decided to give it a try. What I didn’t realize was that KAY wasn’t about teaching us how to teach Yoga to kids. KAY was about how to help all children, our next generation, grow as a human race. KAY is on a journey to make many many peaceful and happy children around the globe… children who will grow up knowing how to be peaceful and happy adults. I realized, quickly, that this is something I want to be a part of. Kidding Around Yoga changed my life. I don’t just teach kids Yoga. I live and breathe life lessons to spread joy to the children of our world. KAY is a gift to all of us.
Kidding Around Yoga is a wonderful program. It all starts with Haris and continues with her amazing team of mentors, assistants and trainers. Everyone is very friendly, extremely knowledgeable and always willing to go above and beyond to help others. It is this big family of yogis that you feel ...
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Kidding Around Yoga is a wonderful program. It all starts with Haris and continues with her amazing team of mentors, assistants and trainers. Everyone is very friendly, extremely knowledgeable and always willing to go above and beyond to help others. It is this big family of yogis that you feel connected to without ever having met them. The course was extremely informative in teaching the Science of Yoga and the method of getting the kids engaged and having fun is just incredible!
My daughter started to get a migraine one night after the standardized testing. She couldn’t stop crying, head hurt, nausea. Nothing worked. Finally I said – ‘how about trying the meditation you learned at KAY ?’ So she went to a peaceful place in her...
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My daughter started to get a migraine one night after the standardized testing. She couldn’t stop crying, head hurt, nausea. Nothing worked. Finally I said – ‘how about trying the meditation you learned at KAY?’ So she went to a peaceful place in her mind, visualized a mountain river, a hammock, blue sky, rustling leaves, the sound of water and birds. It worked. She feel asleep!
One of the best personal and career decisions I have ever made was to become a Kidding Around Yoga licensee. I was looking to invest myself into a company that values authenticity, collaboration, integrity and positivity and when I took the live training, it solidified my...
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One of the best personal and career decisions I have ever made was to become a Kidding Around Yoga licensee. I was looking to invest myself into a company that values authenticity, collaboration, integrity and positivity and when I took the live training, it solidified my feelings that Kidding Around Yoga was in alignment to my philosophy and ethics. Becoming a licensee was a quick, organic and easy progression into creating a business in service to children and families. Im a busy Mom at home full time during the day with my children and I work and volunteer part time in the evenings and on weekends. I knew that taking on another professional commitment would add more fun and chaos to the mix so I wanted to utilize any support Kidding Around Yoga could offer me to get up and running. After finishing the licensee test, I was officially congratulated and welcomed into an amazing online forum of licensees. In the forum I have found support in whatever it is I have needed to create my Yoga business. Whether it be hand holding, enthusiasm, marketing strategies, business & logo basics, website building, social media support, etc. When I become a licensee, I became a part of a family that shares the same passion and dedication to expand Kidding Around Yoga classes to as many children as possible. I was given a beautiful website, advice on starting my own facebook page and access to incredible professional marketing tools. I don’t want to call it a ‘business in a box’ because its SO MUCH MORE but with all the support KAY offers, my business really did get created by just lifting that lid and getting myself out there! A big bonus of becoming a licensee is that there is always room to expand my creativity. Haris Lender, the founder of KAY encourages her teachers to share their unique style and approach in collaboration with Kidding Around Yoga. She takes the time to talk with you, learn about what lights you up inside and finds ways for you to express this within your business and within the Kidding Around Yoga curriculum. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity KAY.
My Instructor Sarah is a person who has found her passion, her mission her gift. Throughout the following days the classes were interactive animated, resources driven and energetic. Encouragement, direction and education under the auspices of just kidding around. I have in the past...
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My Instructor Sarah is a person who has found her passion, her mission her gift. Throughout the following days the classes were interactive animated, resources driven and energetic. Encouragement, direction and education under the auspices of just kidding around. I have in the past found Yoga classes to be frustrating because others always seemed more flexible and comfortable with their bodies. Today I am living my whole body and it feels amazing, today I have such a different outlook with a passion to share and provide an experience that make all the children feel like a super stars. I don’t think I will look at Yoga the same way again.
Today I peeked in my 4-year old’s room during nap. He was having trouble sleeping. I saw his eyes squinted shut and his lips and fingers moving to “Peace begins with me.” As a parent, this means the world to me. As a Yoga teacher...
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West Virginia
Today I peeked in my 4-year old’s room during nap. He was having trouble sleeping. I saw his eyes squinted shut and his lips and fingers moving to “Peace begins with me.” As a parent, this means the world to me. As a Yoga teacher, I have taken the 3-day training with Haris Lender twice now. Both times I have left the training with invaluable information, tools, and so many FUN things to do with children! This training has changed my life, my family, and how I share Yoga with children. One of my favorite things about KAY is that it teaches children the true science of Yoga, mindfulness, and so much more in the way they learn best–through play! This is training is so valuable on many levels. If you are on the fence about taking one–jump off & register!! Thanks Haris for all you do!
West Virginia
It is so great that KAY allows you to attend [their training] without being a 200 hour certified Yoga instructor because so many teachers and professionals can benefit from knowing these stress management for kids techniques … BUT I am so glad I followed up with my 200 hours because...
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New York
It is so great that KAY allows you to attend [their training] without being a 200 hour certified Yoga instructor because so many teachers and professionals can benefit from knowing these stress management for kids techniques… BUT I am so glad I followed up with my 200 hours because, it was about so much more than Yoga, it was about life. I had some major changes occur throughout the 200 hour training and I am sure that it was not only because of what I was being taught but also because it was changing who I am. Prior to my training, I thought that Yoga was something that you do. However, now I know, that it is a way of life. You can practice your asana but truly living your Yoga is another thing. Having gone into the KAY training for the sole purpose of working with my son, I was unaware that it was paving the way for so many great things! Thank you KAY for starting me on the path of yoga!
New York

Become a Certified Teacher

Our extensive learning options give you several different ways to start your journey into Kids Yoga.

Our certification programs enable you to become a certified Kids Yoga teacher, giving you the knowledge, experience, and resources to confidently hold Kids Yoga classes.

Our free resources allow you to get a taste of the fun, enjoyment, and benefits that our training and courses provide.


KAY’s Justice Task Force

The mission of the Kidding Around Yoga Justice Task Force (JTF) is to keep KAY inclusive: organizationally, within teaching materials, and in reach. To that end, we are committed to continuing to strengthen our anti-racist and anti-discrimination actions and to make ongoing changes to fully embody the teachings of yoga.

Kidding Around Yoga includes people all over the world, with different nationalities, cultures, languages, ethnicities, races, economic backgrounds, religious faiths, spiritual traditions, political views, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and physical, perceptual, and mental abilities. We believe yoga is for every body and do not discriminate based on differences. In fact, we celebrate diversity and teach tolerance and acceptance as part of our practice.


Bringing Mindfulness into the Classroom

Watch at your leisure!


Relaxation & Meditation for Kids

Watch at your leisure!