We have a number of different discount available – choose from either the Live 2 day Training OR the Online Training to see which discounts are available.

2 Day In-Person Training Discounts

Select from the below options for more information about how to qualify for each discount

Full-Time Acamedic Discount

You must be a full time teacher or employee of an accredited public or private academic school or preschool that serves children to receive the full-time academic discount of 33% off full priced tuition.

Payment plans are available at check out, however, please note that your certificate will not be issued until your tuition is paid in full. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount unless otherwise noted.

Complete the form linked below with your school details for verification purposes. Once submitted, the discount code will pop up on your screen and will be sent via email for you to use at time of registration.

*Part time school employees and home school providers, scroll down.

Homeschool Providers and Part-Time School Employee

You must be a homeschool provider or a part-time school employee at an accredited public or private academic school or preschool to receive the homeschool and part-time discount of 15% off full-priced tuition.

Payment plans are available at check out, however, please note that your certificate will not be issued until your tuition is paid in full. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount unless otherwise noted.

Complete the form linked below with your school details for verification purposes. Once submitted, the discount code will pop up on your screen and will be sent via email for you to use at time of registration.

Homeschool & part-time academic staff discount request form

To get started:

  1. After you have your discount code find your training here.
  2. Click on the Register button for your chosen training.
  3. Under “Checkout Options” make sure to enter your discount code into the field.
  4. Register and pay.

Military Discount

You or your spouse must be an active or inactive military service member to receive the military discount of 33% off full priced tuition.

Payment plans are available at check out, however, please note that your certificate will not be issued until your tuition is paid in full. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount unless otherwise noted.

Please complete the following to obtain the discount code you will use at time of registration.

To get started:

  1. Email info@kiddingaroundyoga.com with the following, “I am interested in the Military discount for the ____DATE____ training in ___CITY, STATE, COUNTRY___. I have attached my proof of military service.” (Include attachment in email.)
  2. Upon approval, you will receive an email with the discount code.
  4. Click on the Register button for your chosen training.
  5. On the checkout page, use the discount code that was sent to you via email.
  6. Complete your payment.

BFF Discount

If you sign up with a friend to attend the same 2-day live training, you are both entitled to 20% off your individual full priced tuition. Your friend has one week from the day you registered to complete their registration. If your friend does not sign up within that time, you will be responsible for the remaining difference in price based on the date that you registered, plus a $10 administration fee.

Payment plans are available at check out, however, please note that your certificate will not be issued until your tuition is paid in full. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount unless otherwise noted.

To get started:

  2. Click on the Register button for your chosen training.
  3. On the checkout page, use the discount code KAYBFF.
  4. Complete your payment.
  5. Email our team at info@kiddingaroundyoga.com to inform us of your friend’s name (please include which training you’re attending)
  6. Have your friend complete the same steps.

Group Discount

If you and a minimum of three other people (a group is considered four or more people) sign up to attend the same 2-day live training, you and your entire group are entitled to 43% off each individual full priced tuition. The rest of the group has one week from the day the first person in the group registered to complete their registrations. If the rest of the group does not register within that time, the first person that registered will be responsible for the remaining difference in price based on the date of initial registration, plus a $10 administration fee.

Payment plans are available at check out, however, please note that your certificate will not be issued until your tuition is paid in full. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount unless otherwise noted.

To get started:

  2. Click on the Register button for your chosen training.
  3. On the checkout page, use the discount code GROUPKAY.
  4. You MUST add all other group member names to the “Group Names” field on the registration form.
  5. Complete your payment.
  6. Have the rest of the group members complete the same steps.

Street Team

Would you like to help us market your chosen training in and around the training location vicinity? If so, you can become a member of our Street Team and receive 24% off full priced tuition for all of your efforts.

In exchange you will be REQUIRED to:

  1. Live in the city that your training takes place in.
  2. Connect with your trainer to collaborate on marketing efforts and acquire needed files.
  3. Take at least 5 photos of various places where you posted flyers and share them with your trainer by the conclusion of your training weekend.
  4. It is highly recommended that you:
  5. Have the flyer printed at a local printer.
  6. Connect with the studio to join efforts in marketing (if your trainer gives you the go-ahead to do so).
  7. Post flyers EVERYWHERE around town.
  8. Join local yoga, moms, community groups on Facebook and other social media sites and share the Facebook and Free Family Yoga class event links.
  9. Post training links on your own personal social media accounts.
  10. Suggest any ideas of your own to your trainer for approval before taking action.
  11. Offer to host and/or drive your trainer if needed.

Payment plans are available at check out, however, please note that your certificate will not be issued until your tuition is paid in full. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount unless otherwise noted.

To get started:

  1. Email info@kiddingaroundyoga.com with the following…

    “I am interested in becoming part of the Street Team for the__DATE___ training at ___CITY/STATE/COUNTRY___. I will connect with my trainer to receive the necessary links and files I need for promotion. I will post and share via social media, the internet and flyer distribution.

    I understand that I am required to live in or within close proximity to the city that this training takes place and that I must take at least 5 photos of various places where I posted flyers and share them with my trainer by the conclusion of training weekend.

    If I fail to fulfill these requirements, I agree that I will pay the difference in tuition based on the day I registered plus a $10 administrative fee.

    Please let me know if there is still a Street Team spot available.”

  2. We will email you back to let you know if there is still space available, to connect you with your trainer and to provide you with the discount you will need to register with.
  4. Click on the Register button for your chosen training.
  5. Under “Checkout Options” make sure to enter your discount code into the field.
  6. Register and pay.
  7. Contact your trainer and get started with promotion.
  8. *Email us if you need anything.

Photographer Discount

Do you fancy yourself a keen amateur photographer? Do you have access to a good quality camera? Are you a good multi-tasker? Are you willing to be the designated photographer at your 2-day live KAY training? If so, you are eligible to receive 15% off your full priced tuition.

Upon arrival at your training, your trainer will be aware that you are participating in the training as well as snapping some photos when the opportunity strikes throughout the weekend. Your trainer may have some requests or suggestions of things to take photos of. It will be your responsibility to share these photos with your trainer no later than 24 hours after the training has concluded. If photos are not shared in a timely manner, you will be responsible for the remaining difference in price based on the date that you registered, plus a $10 administration fee.

Payment plans are available at check out, however, please note that your certificate will not be issued until your tuition is paid in full. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount unless otherwise noted.

To get started:

  2. Click on the Register button for your chosen training.
  3. On the checkout page, use the discount code PHOTOKAY.
  4. Complete your payment.

Junior Discount

Individuals between the ages of 12-15 are entitled to a reduced tuition of $200 USD. 12 is the minimum age to attend any of our 2-day live trainings. Age 16+ is considered an “adult” for tuition purposes.

Payment plans are available at check out, however, please note that the registrant’s certificate will not be issued until their tuition is paid in full. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount unless otherwise noted.

To get started:

  2. Click on the Register button for your chosen training.
  3. On the checkout page, use the discount code KAYJR.
  4. Complete your payment.

Online Training Discounts

OKAY Full-Time Academic Discount

You must be a full time teacher or employee of an accredited public or private academic school or preschool to receive the full-time academic discount of 12.6% off full priced tuition for OKAY.

Payment plans are available at check out, however, please note that your certificate will not be issued until your tuition is paid in full. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount unless otherwise noted.

Complete the form below with your school details for verification purposes. Once submitted, the discount code will pop up on your screen and will be sent via email for you to use at time of registration.

OKAY Military Discount

You or your spouse must be an active or inactive military service member to receive the military discount of 12.6% off full priced tuition for OKAY.

Payment plans are available at check out, however, please note that your certificate will not be issued until your tuition is paid in full. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount unless otherwise noted.

Please complete the following to obtain the discount code you will use at time of registration.

To get started:

  1. Email info@kiddingaroundyoga.com with the following, “I am interested in the Military discount for the Online Only training, OKAY. I have attached my proof of military service.” (Include attachment in email.)
  2. Upon approval, you will receive an email with the discount code.
  4. Click on the Register button.
  5. On the checkout page, use the discount code that was sent to you via email.
  6. Complete your payment.

OKAY BFF Discount

If you sign up with a friend for our Online Only training (OKAY), you are both entitled to 12.66% off your individual full priced tuition. Your friend has one week from the day you registered to complete their registration. If your friend does not sign up within that time, you will be responsible for the remaining difference in tuition plus a $10 administration fee.

Payment plans are available at check out, however, please note that your certificate will not be issued until your tuition is paid in full. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount unless otherwise noted.

To get started:

Click on the Register button for the Online Only training (OKAY).

On the checkout page, use the discount code OKAYBFF.

Complete your payment.

Have your friend complete the same steps.


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