We've all heard about the benefits of meditation practice, but how do we start, especially with kiddos? Kidding Around Yoga is here to help! We've created this 30-day MEDITATION CALENDAR to provide you and your family (or your school classroom) with a daily meditation...
A Love Letter … to Yourself
Who says that you have to wait for Valentine's Day to show someone love (yourself included)? And what better way to introduce the concept of self-love to children than through a yoga class? In whatever time frame you have, you can incorporate a theme of self-love (and...
The Art of Mindfulness
Pay attention! You need to focus! Can't you just concentrate? Sound familiar? Have you heard or said these things before? Yeah, me too. We probably all have. It seems we all need help once in a while being mindful. Mindfulness is simply paying attention to what is...
Kids Yoga at the Beach
I love the beach! My favorite thing to do is to go to the beach. The ocean, the breezy air, the warm sand, and the bright sun in the sky… being at the beach is blissful. Now add some yoga to a beautiful beach day, and there is nothing better than that. Yoga at the...
Full-Blown Pranayama Putt-Putt
I grew up loving miniature golf. My grandparents have had a camper at Alleghany Mountain Resort at Rainbow Lake since my mother and her brothers and sister were young enough to enjoy the fresh air and open spaces. Much of summer’s free time was spent with aunts,...
Reuse Those Plastic Eggs!
It's that time of year, again. The Easter Bunny has come and gone, leaving tons (literally tons) of plastic eggs behind. Rather than throwing the plastic eggs away to inevitably end up in a landfill or in the stomach of a bird or critter, let's yoga-fy the eggs with...
Little Yogi’s Spring Cleaning: Saucha
Saucha, or purity, is one of the key ideas Patanjali wrote about in the Yoga Sutras. It is vital in clearing the mind and creating a strong, healthy body. Most kids are probably not concerned with purity, especially when making messes is so much more fun! Of course,...
Spring Equinox Yoga Celebration
Have you been noticing the daffodils making their buttery appearance? Or the mama birds already sitting on their nests? Perhaps the first bud sprouting on the branch? These signs of spring herald the Vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This year, Spring Equinox...
Mala Beads and Meditation for the Family
Strings of beads used during prayer or meditation are an ancient and international tradition. In fact, the word “bead” actually means “prayer” in Middle English. Catholicism uses Rosary beads, Islam uses Subha and Tasbih beads, and Buddhism and Hinduism use Mala...
The Power of Peace Flags
Tibetan Prayer Flags (sometimes called Peace Flags) are a 2000 year old tradition from Nepal. Called Lung ta, or “wind horse”, Prayer Flags originated when sacred texts were written on cloth banners. Traditionally, the flag is made of cloth torn into a rectangular...
Polar Bear Yoga
They are cute, fluffy, and super wintery, although you may not want to try to cuddle one! What are they? Polar bears, of course. Kids love learning about animals, especially these unique bears. A polar bear themed yoga class is the perfect opportunity to blend...
New Years Vision Boards for Kids and Teens
As we end off what for many has been a particularly challenging year we may question how we can enable our kids to look positively into the future and look forward to the rewards and challenges that a New Year holds. The art of manifestation tells us that we have to...
Light on Kids’ Sangha – Build a Community this Holiday Season
What is sangha? What is a sangha and how can we bring this element into kids’ yoga classes? Sangha is a community, specifically a spiritual community. The term began in the Buddhist tradition to refer to monastic communities and it is also used to refer to communities...
Celebrate ALL of the Winter Holidays!
One of the best ways to teach compassion and to build more empathetic kids is to re-frame the world from the perspective of the viewer. Children are naturally curious, open-minded, and flexible in regards to integrating new information and differences among people....
Fostering Mental Health in Children
Alright, now we know that COVID is effecting more than just our physical bodies, but our mental and emotional selves as well (see last week's blog). So what can we do to ensure that our kids are not storing all of this stress and are processing this possible trauma in...