As Kids Yoga teachers, we have the amazing responsibility to introduce children to the ideas in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. About 1600 years ago in India, Patanjali condensed two different traditions (Ashtanga Yoga and Karma Yoga) to compose the Yoga Sutras, the...
Nighty Night, Little Yogi
The activities explained in this blog article would make lovely little videos for you to share with your online audience. Just like us, our children live in a very busy world. From the moment they are born, kids are bombarded with ever-increasing pressures:...
Mango Mania!
In Florida, summertime means mango season and they are very plentiful at this time. Even if you don’t live in Florida, you can still enjoy a mango either fresh or frozen. Mangoes have many health benefits. One cup of mango contains only 100 calories. Each serving is...
The Sneaky Baker
I'm the first to admit it - I have a wicked sweet-tooth. Always have, probably always will. And, it seems that it has been genetically passed down to my children, as well. So how do I find that yogic balance I'm always preaching about between what your body wants, and...
Essential Oils for the Family
I’ve recently gotten interested in the benefits of essential oils. It hasn’t happened overnight and I’ve only slowly started to use them. The problem is the wealth of information out there concerning these oils can be really overwhelming. I hope this blog helps to...
Healthy Treats – With a Few Tricks
School is back in full swing, so days are packed and schedules are tight. The holiday season is coming on strong, too, with its own hectic fun. It all adds up to a recipe for junk food overload. To keep everyone satisfied and healthy, try these alternatives for...
Growing Roots
As a teacher and student of yoga I strive to live a life dedicated toward health and wellness. Properly fueling our bodies with whole unprocessed foods can be lead us toward a more sattvic state a huge investment of time and it is well worth the process. My children...
Gingerbread Yogini
Sweet Sassy Molasses……. here comes the Gingerbread Yogini! Rarely have I met a cookie that I do not enjoy. The process is time consuming but well worth the culinary adventure. You can even invest in cookie cutters in a variety of yoga asana poses. While I was...
Season of Change…and Soup!
This time last fall I was in Asheville, NC attending the 500-hour Teacher Training Immersion at Asheville Yoga Center. I was also missing my yoga classes. See before last school year I was out there teaching my tush off the Kidding Around Yoga way (8 classes/week), as...
Healthy Halloween Treats
I LOVE Halloween and so do my kids. Our costumes are created months in advance and our house is covered with witches and webs. Even our dog dresses up. Yes. We are "that" family. As much as I love Halloween and all of the happy haunts it brings, I'm not a big fan of...
Chocolate Covered Strawberries Anyone?
As parents, we will do about anything to get our children to eat their fruits and veggies! But chocolate covered anything might take it a little too far for most health-conscious parents, and especially as part of the daily diet. Well, in my house, we like our sweets...
Stuff Your Face… with Stuffed Peppers
With Farmers’ Markets and backyard gardens in full growth all around the country, it’s becoming easier (and less expensive) to make those healthy food choices. Ayurveda suggests eating with the season since our bodies often reflect what’s happening in nature. Spring...