As Kids Yoga teachers, we have the amazing responsibility to introduce children to the ideas in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. About 1600 years ago in India, Patanjali condensed two different traditions (Ashtanga Yoga and Karma Yoga) to compose the Yoga Sutras, the...
Mindful Eating and Exercise
Should I finish that last piece of pizza? It’s just going to sit staring at me in that forlorn way. And what about the ice cream screaming out from the freezer? Surely, it needs my attention. Such a dilemma. Decisions to be made every day. They seem so ordinary, even...
Saucha, Ahimsa, and the Flu Season
Every winter season brings a plethora of illnesses, and blogs about prevention to go with it! Most, however, do not talk about how preventing the spread of colds and flu has a lot to do with a specific yoga philosophy! What? Believe it or not, trying our best to live...
Mango Mania!
In Florida, summertime means mango season and they are very plentiful at this time. Even if you don’t live in Florida, you can still enjoy a mango either fresh or frozen. Mangoes have many health benefits. One cup of mango contains only 100 calories. Each serving is...
Going Paleo as a Family
**Our blog author, Jennifer Sacket, is a green-market booth owner, cooking teacher, and kids' yoga teacher** Several years ago, I embarked on a lifestyle change. I found out after years of battling with an upset stomach that I was gluten and lactose intolerant. I came...
Healthy Treats – With a Few Tricks
School is back in full swing, so days are packed and schedules are tight. The holiday season is coming on strong, too, with its own hectic fun. It all adds up to a recipe for junk food overload. To keep everyone satisfied and healthy, try these alternatives for...
Season of Change…and Soup!
This time last fall I was in Asheville, NC attending the 500-hour Teacher Training Immersion at Asheville Yoga Center. I was also missing my yoga classes. See before last school year I was out there teaching my tush off the Kidding Around Yoga way (8 classes/week), as...
Healthy Halloween Treats
I LOVE Halloween and so do my kids. Our costumes are created months in advance and our house is covered with witches and webs. Even our dog dresses up. Yes. We are "that" family. As much as I love Halloween and all of the happy haunts it brings, I'm not a big fan of...