
Brain Breaks

Brain Breaks

EP. 46 | The Power of Brain Breaks: Giving the brain a rest allows for increased learning Show Notes There's SO much for kids to learn in such a short amount of time. It's best to just keep going, powering through lessons and homework, right? NO! Science shows...

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Mindful March

Mindful March

We've all heard about the benefits of meditation practice, but how do we start, especially with kiddos? Kidding Around Yoga is here to help! We've created this 30-day MEDITATION CALENDAR to provide you and your family (or your school classroom) with a daily meditation...

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Relationship Skills

Relationship Skills

Ep. 38 | Casel Series Part 5: Relationship Skills - building and strengthening healthy relationships through mindfulness practices Show Notes Kelly and Kristi are wrapping up their 5 part series exploring the CASEL framework with this week's discussion about...

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Social Awareness

Social Awareness

Ep. 37 | CASEL Series Part 4: Social Awareness - Growing Our Circle of Awareness Beyond Ourselves Show Notes Social Awareness is the 4th pillar of the CASEL framework and the topic of this episode of Mindful Conversations With KAY. Now that we've built some SEL skills...

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Being Mindful with Technology

Being Mindful with Technology

Ep 35 | Being Mindful with Technology: The Good, The Bad, and The Reality of Technology and Our Children Show Notes In this highly relatable episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY, Kelly and Kristi dive into the pros and cons of technology. The past couple years...

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Bringing Mindfulness into the Classroom

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Relaxation & Meditation for Kids

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