Ep. 32 | Lessons of Mindfulness, Self-Love, Empathy, and Gratitude: An Interview with Mark Brown, Creator of the Zen Pig Series Show Notes This is one of our favorite episodes! Kelly and Kristi sit down with Mark Brown, the creator, writer, and illustrator of the Zen...
Somatic Work
Ep 31 | Somatic Work: Using the physical body to get mentally and emotionally "Unstuck" Show Notes We have all experienced episodes of our fight-flight-freeze response... and sometimes we might even get stuck in that stress loop. This is why the practice of somatic...
Mealtime Mindfulness
“Mealtime Mindfulness” – Kelly and Kristi explore ways to make family meals more enjoyable through mindfulness
Full-Blown Pranayama Putt-Putt
I grew up loving miniature golf. My grandparents have had a camper at Alleghany Mountain Resort at Rainbow Lake since my mother and her brothers and sister were young enough to enjoy the fresh air and open spaces. Much of summer’s free time was spent with aunts,...
Meditation Rehab for a Recovering Perfectionist
Confession: I am an office supply junkie. The Container Store is the closest I've ever been to imagining what Heaven looks like. Back-to-School sales of sharpened #2 Ticonderoga pencils and never-opened glue bottles make me swoon. There's a closet in my bathroom,...
Yoga Brings Generations Together
Most all Jewish folks know the tune “Hava Nagila.” If you don’t remember the words, you’ll definitely remember the rhythm of the song. And if you’re not Jewish, you’ll catch on really, really quickly! Kidding Around Yoga made a delightful Yoga spin of the song, Yoga...
Little Yogi’s Spring Cleaning: Saucha
Saucha, or purity, is one of the key ideas Patanjali wrote about in the Yoga Sutras. It is vital in clearing the mind and creating a strong, healthy body. Most kids are probably not concerned with purity, especially when making messes is so much more fun! Of course,...
Changing of Seasons: A Spring Equinox Themed Class
Many in the northern hemisphere look forward to the month of March. This is when the spring or vernal equinox occurs, usually around March 19-21. The spring equinox signals the transition from a long, dark winter to a light-filled spring. Of course, in the southern...
Spring Equinox Yoga Celebration
Have you been noticing the daffodils making their buttery appearance? Or the mama birds already sitting on their nests? Perhaps the first bud sprouting on the branch? These signs of spring herald the Vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This year, Spring Equinox...
Mala Beads and Meditation for the Family
Strings of beads used during prayer or meditation are an ancient and international tradition. In fact, the word “bead” actually means “prayer” in Middle English. Catholicism uses Rosary beads, Islam uses Subha and Tasbih beads, and Buddhism and Hinduism use Mala...