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Kidding Around Yoga Blog

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Mar 12 2024

The Power of Peer Teaching

Peer teaching is a method in which students take on the role of both teachers and learners, working together to enhance their understanding of a subject.

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Nov 17 2023

A conversation with Sara Dean of Shameless Mom Academy

EP. 53 | A conversation with Sara Dean of Shameless Mom Academy In this episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY, Kelly and Kristi engage in a soul-stirring...

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Road Trip Yoga for the Family

Aaaaah..the Summer family road trip. Miles of highway in front of you, countless pit-stops, license plate games and sing-along behind you. Hours (upon hours) of time in the car, sitting. Just sitting. You know what you need right? Some car yoga! Get the peanuts in the...

STEM: Yoga and Movement

After teaching yoga at a public school, I was asked to integrate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) into my school’s curriculum. I was excited for the challenge and interested in how the children would interact with the lessons. After planning my...

Focus Your Super Powers

When I taught 4th grade, common refrains in the classroom were, “Pay attention!” and, “Focus on what you’re doing!” And then it hit me – of course the kids’ attention was scattered everywhere. With 20 other kids fidgeting and making noise, shenanigans in the hallway,...

What is a Hoberman Sphere?

A Hoberman Sphere: lights up children and adults’ eyes alike is a great teacher’s assistant catches your student’s attention (especially when nothing else can) shows how our lungs expand and contract (and showing always works better than telling, doesn’t it?) was...

My Favorite Prop: Pinwheels

Yoga classes do not need props, but boy are they fun! There are so many props to choose from that it is hard to narrow down my favorite. After teaching for a few years, I have a better idea of which I tend to use the most and why it is my favorite. Maybe that will...

Choosing Teams Without Tears

Choosing Teams Without Tears

While yoga is often celebrated as a non-competitive activity, there are certainly times that groups and teams need to be formed in order to play a game or complete a task. As you would guess, this process sometimes leads to hurt feelings and frustration of being "left...

Sound: More Than Meets the Ear

When you hear a bell ringing, you are listening to energy making a journey. -Sarah Schain Sound is an important part of the human experience. Just think about how music makes you feel! Songs, their melodies and rhythm, their patterns and harmonies can make us get up...

Drum a Drum Yoga

My very first job out of college was teaching science and remedial math in a middle school in inner-city Denver. Many of my students were not English-speakers. Several were children of migrant farm workers that only attended this school during the planting and/or...

Reflecting on What We Learned

How often have you asked a child what they did that day, only to hear the answer, “I don’t know” or "Nothing"? This is something I have often come across in teaching kids. After class, they run to put their shoes on and line up for a stamp or sticker. When I say,...

Yoga + Math = Fun!

According to Dr. Roger Sperry, 1981 Nobel prize winner for brain research, “90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine.” If this is the case, why in the world are we making kids sit still to learn? To that end, I’ve...

Teaching Ahimsa

The first time your child rolls out her mat in a yoga class, she is exposed to many new words, which shouldn’t be surprising, really. The practice of yoga is from ancient times, for many of us it is from a foreign culture, and utilizes an unfamiliar language...

Mom! I Can’t Sleep!

We've all been there. Lying in the dark, desperately trying to go to sleep, but growing more agitated and alert instead. It's bad enough when adults suffer from insomnia, but when kids do? Then the whole family suffers the consequences. Avoid that with a few bedtime...

Springtime in the Peaceful Garden

  You can begin a Spring-themed class with a guided visual during meditation: kids sit in BUTTERFLY or CRISS-CROSS APPLESAUCE. Tell them to close their eyes and imagine a beautiful flower with lots of petals in their favorite color. Next, tell them to reach out and...

Spring Cleaning with Yoga

When my two children were little, they loved nothing more than to “help” me do chores around the house. Of course, to them, chores included pulling all the books off the shelves, banging pots and hiding under the laundry basket. As the saying goes, "If you can’t beat...

Growing Up as a Yogi’s Kid

*Today's blog article was written by Whitney, a third year student at Elon University and lifelong yogi's kid* My mom has practiced yoga for as long as I can remember. When my brother and I were very young, my parents would sneak off to yoga class, leaving us in the...


Bringing Mindfulness into the Classroom

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Relaxation & Meditation for Kids

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