The seasonal and cyclical nature of gardening is necessary for the perpetuation of the plant world. Why shouldn’t this same idea apply to the human world? We evolve within our lifetimes, and humanity evolves over generations, with the intention of...
Building Relationships Through Yoga Stories
I recently started teaching at in a pre-K program and was asked to lead the yoga before their naptime. The lights were dimmed and the cots were out with each child next to his/her cot with personal space; it was the perfect setting for yoga! I decided to tell a yoga...
Brain Breaks
There has been plenty of research over the years on the benefits of brain breaks for children. Whether it is in a traditional classroom, a homeschool classroom, or just recognizing that your child needs to change gears to calm down, refocus, or release anxiety within...
Calming Anxiety in Children With Yoga
When we help kids deal with anxiety in yoga class, there are two main methods we can use: 1) releasing the tension of anxiety, and 2) redirecting their efforts and attention in a positive way. Below are some ideas on how to help kids explore their minds and bodily...
Create a Magical Moment Everyday
It seems lately that all of our days, weeks, and months fly by. We have the same routine day after day: We wake up, eat breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed, and go to school or work. Then we drive to practices, and other after school activities, come home, do...
On Perception and Perspective
This week, I read my yoga girls a story by Sri Swami Satchidananda in his children's book "Enlightening Tales." The story was about how four people walked by a man lying on the sidewalk with his eyes closed, not moving. The first person thought, "Well he must have...
Yummy Yoga
Want to grab any kid's attention? Just say the word "snack" and BOOM. Use this to your advantage with a food theme in your next yoga class: Yummy Yoga: Kidding Around Yoga has written a wonderfully creative song called Yummy Yoga. In it, you fly around the world...
Your Best Life
Your best life isn't as simple as it seems. Best life isn't necessarily your favorite life or the one you selfishly want. It's simply the life you're best at. I read that a year ago in a book called, The Bucolic Plague. It's a book about the Beekman brothers and their...
Build Your Child’s Kindness Muscles!
We all recognize the importance of kindness - it is a vital character trait we want to develop in ourselves and in our children. Here are some quick ways to build the kindness muscles in the your kids and students: Post It Notes - This is a fun activity to spread...
Yoga and Nature, Naturally!
There is a clear link between the practice of Yoga and nature. I’ve noticed that focusing on nature resonates well with children and adults. Here are some activities to incorporate into a Nature Themed Yoga class. It is also a great theme for a Hebrew School class....
Flexibility Science – Part 2
As a 500-hour yoga instructor, aspiring Personal Trainer, and generally active person, I take matters of health quite seriously. I’ve had injuries in the past from running that have been horribly disabling. I watch people my age complain of aches and pains and be...
Teaching Kids to Relax
“When is sleepy time? Is it sleepy time yet?” At least one child asks me this question every Yoga class! Savasana is a special part of Yoga that the kids LOVE! They can let go of all their worries and just be. Yoga class is the rare time of day some children have to...