On the first day of my second year teaching high school French, I knew that my sixth period was going to need some serious magic to get them to calm down. The bell rang for class to begin, and I looked around at 35 boys (yes, 35 BOYS) who were bigger than me, all...
Namas’tay in Bed
It can be difficult to get your “namaste” on in the mornings when all you really want to do is stay in bed. Good news--you can actually do both! While the benefits of getting up in the morning and doing a few sun salutations are numerous, sometimes actually rolling...
You Know You Teach Kids’ Yoga When…
1) Your pompoms go missing even though you JUST bought a new pack: We all have those classes where the kids go crazy for pompoms! They play with them, throw them at each other, stick them in their hair, you name it--they have done it. Some politely ask if they can...
On Perception and Perspective
This week, I read my yoga girls a story by Sri Swami Satchidananda in his children's book "Enlightening Tales." The story was about how four people walked by a man lying on the sidewalk with his eyes closed, not moving. The first person thought, "Well he must have...