“Surrender. Just let go. Trust the universe… It will catch you.” -Unknown Over the years I have been learning to be kinder and more compassionate with the processes I am immersed in, with the endeavors I seek, with the “somedays” and with the “wants”. While it is...
Finding Ourselves While Traveling
We all travel for different reasons, seeking different things while we are at it: adventure, beauty, solitude, cultural experiences, nature, food, and more. New experiences and places provide us with the opportunity to learn something new, bringing us to locations,...
Nature as Our Healer
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul." - John Muir Life is hectic, we all know it. We invest time finding ideas and methods to deal with this in the best possible way. We do...
Go With the Flow – Let Creativity Clear the Path
It is everywhere, in all sorts of places and practices, including yoga and mindfulness. What is it? It is the idea of “flow." Going with it, feeling it, letting it move through us…Flow is what keeps us going. Yoga teaches us to explore that flow. We move “within” and...
Breaking the Social Media Habit
I must admit, the whole social media scene is not quite my thing. From the very start, I delayed and refused to participate. I find myself constantly struggling between wanting to stay in touch and the idea of how banal it can suddenly become. In a previous blog I...
Being Present in a Digital World – Leading By Example
One of the many paradoxes of our modern life is the idea of seeking mindfulness while moving through mindless habits and situations. Life can, at times, leave us dry, empty and with a sense of dissatisfaction with who we are, with what we do with our time, with the...
Intentions and Power of Vision Boards
“Today let us break the illusion of dependency through the power of intention. If you have chosen the intended outcome, then put your intention in your heart and listen with your soul.” -Deepak Chopra Alright! Here we are, officially deep into the new year. The...
Finding Balance During the Holidays
With the holiday season making its way in, we start feeling a call for thankfulness, connectivity, family time and friends gathering. With all of these comes the demands and hectic schedules of this busy season. During the holidays everything intensifies. We eat more,...
Ser Madre Yoguini
Indudablemente el reto más grande en la vida consiste en educar y mantener los pequeños seres humanos a nuestro alrededor. La responsabilidad moral de tener hijos es algo que me impacto hace muchos años y mucho antes de convertirme en madre. Debo admitir que a pesar...
Practicing Sustainability: Concrete Steps for Day-to-Day Life
The topic of sustainability presents us with the idea of a limited world, a limited supplied world that needs our more conscious care and attention in order to maintain itself, and as we know… all of us! Sustainable practices are those that aim to preserve rather than...