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Yolonda Deon

Yolonda Deon

Hey ya’ll, I am Yolonda,Yoga & Mindfulness Coach, Award-Winning Entrepreneur & Mother!I am a self-proclaimed PLAYologist, passionate about play, mindfulness, women’s holistic wellness, and childhood development! I am a spiritual activist, peaceful warrior, and diversity advocate. A few of my favorite ways to PLAY are going to the house of the mouse, leading circle time, learning about metaphysics, and traveling. When I am not PLAYing, I am dreaming of ways to connect my work life more with PLAY. Focusing on PLAY allows me the freedom to be mindful and to stress less as I achieve my personal and professional goals. A former distance runner, I found yoga as a way to recover after runs. As my life progressed, yoga became a way for me to heal and learn from my past.I am a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT, RPYT) with Yoga Alliance and have a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. In addition, I hold certifications in Life Coaching, Meditation, Prenatal Yoga, Kidding Around Yoga, Trauma-Informed Yoga, and Mental Well-being in Children. I have worked professionally as a counselor, health educator, and founder/owner/operator of a brick-and-mortar family entertainment center called Amaya Papaya Playlounge. With over twenty-five years of professional experience in corporate organizations, non-profit organizations, independent business ownership, mentoring, volunteering, and motherhood, I bring real-life experience to my client’s needs.I have been blessed to combine my passions with my professional experience to fulfill my life purpose of being a teacher and healer as a Yoga and Mindfulness Life Coach for women, children, and families.I am the creator of the Bomb Mom Yoga community and Amaya Papaya University, a play and mindfulness-based enrichment program and curriculum for children 0-5 years old.​I have often been the only brown face in the room.I have gotten used to being one of many first or only. Of these, I am the first in my family to graduate from college, the first black-owned playspace owner in Florida, the first black mother & daughter team Little Free Library Stewards in Central Florida, the only {Yoga Alliance} Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher in Florida, and the list goes on. While I am proud of these achievements, my mission is to normalize BIPOC faces in these and other spaces. Being the first is great, but paving the way for more is most important to me.I believe that everyone can find their passion and purpose through PLAY! I love teaching women, children, and families how to bridge the gap between work and PLAY the YOLO (Yoga, Organized, Learning, Opportunity) way!

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Bringing Mindfulness into the Classroom

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Relaxation & Meditation for Kids

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