Winter is definitely here. Since I previously did a Halloween obstacle course class that my students adored, I figured a winter obstacle course would be fun, too. And it was! It was challenging, imaginative, and relevant to yoga. These are my favorite ideas for a winter-themed obstacle course. Feel free to print them out, glue them onto cardboard paper, and laminate them for easier use. You can place one picture on each mat as a task to complete, or have stations scattered throughout your room.
Polar Bear Crawl: Walk in your Downward Dog like an Arctic polar bear.
Snowflake Breathing: Practice snowflake breathing with pretend snowflakes (either pre-made or imagine pompoms are snowflakes). Try to blow all the snowflakes into a bucket.
Snow Angels: Spread your arms and legs out wide and make a snow angel with your body.
Balance Snowball: Put a white pompom or cotton ball on a spoon. See if you can balance the snowball on the spoon as you walk/jump/skip/twirl from one end of a yoga strap placed along your mat to the other.
Ice Skating: Move and slide your feet across the slippery floor like an ice skater on felt pieces. See if you can be strong and still in Dancer’s pose.
Hot Chocolate Breathing: Holding a paper cup, pretend like you have steaming hot chocolate in it. Breathe in the nice chocolate smell through your nose and breathe out of your mouth to cool your hot chocolate down.
Ski Jump: The ski jumper makes turns around yoga blocks and lands in Chair pose.
Snowy Tree: Balance a foam snowflake on top of your head while balancing in Tree pose.
Holiday Lights Meditation: Focus on a tea light candle and practice deep breathing.
Sledding: Pretend to go sledding in your seated forward fold. Watch out for those bumps!
Freezing Toega: Pick up the little snowballs/pompoms with your toes and put them on a plate.
Penguin Waddle: Walk slowly and waddle across a yoga strap like a penguin.
I hope you enjoy this obstacle course at home with your family and in class with your students!
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