5 Best Props for Kids’ Yoga (+ 1 Bonus)

Congratulations! You finished your Kids’ Yoga teacher training! You have the passion for teaching and the knowledge of how to teach yoga to kids! Now what?

You need the very best props to start the very best job ever! Through my experience, these are the essential props for any new kids’ Yoga teacher:

Hoberman Sphere: S15300633737_a3abb24c5e_zince I started teaching Yoga to children, I have used the Hoberman Sphere EVERYDAY! It is an amazing visual for children to understand breathing in and out slowly (here’s how). Kids of all ages are fascinated by the pretty colors and the fact that it expands. It’s also a great incentive and a way to do introductions for a smaller class!

Rolling Bag: When I first started teaching, I would bring around an abnormally large over the shoulder bag. I realized after awhile that my shoulder and back started to hurt! I finally discovered a rolling bag, which has made lugging around yoga mats and props a thousand times easier! You can usually find rolling bags at local thrift stores.online childrens yoga teacher training

Chime: The best way to teach active listening, focusing, and mindfulness in general is by purchasing a bell. It helps bring the focus back on the class, the sounds around the students, and presence in the moment. It’s also very soothing and signals to the children that it’s Yoga time. Click on this link to get to an article describing how to use chimes in your Yoga practice.

Speaker & Music: How can you make your classes more fun and engaging? You can add music! I would recommend a lightweight speaker. Initially I had a heavy boom box and discovered that the more portable it is, the better. Where can you find fun music? Kidding Around Yoga has music that you can use in all of your classes!

Pom Poms: Craft pom poms are perfect for Toe-ga (picking up pom poms with our toes).  They are fun, pretty, and make our toes and feet really strong! Look for pompoms at dollar stores and stack up! They are also a nice “take-home” to give your 9204994020_e440aa6611_zstudents to practice their Yoga at home. So you’ll want plenty on hand. Need more ideas on including pom poms in your class? Here you go!

(Bonus): Relaxation stories: One of my favorite ways to start teaching relaxation to children is through relaxing imagery. I prefer Relax Kids: The Wishing Star by Marneta Viegas for Children 5 years old and up, and Imaginations by Carolyn Clarke. They include how to let each body part relax in detail.

There are an infinite number of props and tools you can include in your kids’ Yoga classes, and it’s fun to have variety. But, at the least, have these 5 (ok, 6) props in your magic bag of Yoga tricks and you will start your adventure on the right foot!




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