“A Kid’s Yoga Class: from chaos to calm”
Show Notes
It’s true! A kids yoga class doesn’t look or sound like an adult yoga class (and it shouldn’t)!
Straight from a question on our Mindful Conversations with KAY Facebook page, Kelly and Kristi explain why kids yoga classes may seem loud and unfocused. But there’s a method to the madness and as Kelly says, “Sometimes we gotta get loud before we can get quiet”.
Listen in as the conversation covers:
- The importance of proper pacing in a kids class
- Finding stillness amidst the busy-ness and chaos around us
- Mimicking a stress-response to practice self-regulation
- Naming sensations and experiencing your body and mind during active moments and during quiet moments
- Building mind-body awareness through physical movements, sensory experience es, and playful experimentation
- Being inclusive and making your classes accessible to all children
- Flexibility with lesson plans depending the children’s moods and needs
Link of pertinent blogs:
Practicing Self-Regulation with Children
Why Should Children Practice Yoga
Virtual Mini Workshops:
Dissecting a Kids Yoga Class: The Good, The Bad, the Now What?