Yoga Show is a great way to showcase what the children have learned and is also a great way to market upcoming classes! In addition to inviting the parents and families, I also invite the school’s childcare program to watch the show!
Make a Backdrop
As part of the session before our show, I bring in a large rolled up poster board for the children to decorate. This is the “back drop” for our show and helps the children feel proud of what they have accomplished! We usually pick a theme and use crayons, markers, and stickers to decorate the poster! If you are brave, you can use glitter but be careful!
Photo Posters
Throughout the session I take photos of the children so I can make a huge poster. I surprise them on the last day and put the photos next to their backdrop. It’s fun and a great way for the children and their families to reflect on our session!
Introductions & Favorite Poses
Children love being “mini teachers” and like to show their favorite pose to their parents. They can show a real pose or make up their own! After they show their favorite pose and teach it, the other children follow along. It’s also a great way for children that lack confidence in the beginning or are shy to help them come out of their shell!
Yoga Dance
I love the idea of putting the key poses we worked on into a dance! The last two sessions I have used songs with positive messages, “Brave” and “Fight Song.” During the chorus the children flow through a sun salutation. Then I integrate other poses throughout the dance like tree pose, chair, dancer’s, and more! It’s a lot of fun to practice and seems to be a big hit with the parents!
The award varies by session. Sometimes I will give out medals or a paper certificate. I one by one call out the child’s name with their award and “nickname”. For example, I have “balance ninja”, “mini teacher”, “big helper”, and “focused warrior” award. I make them up based on the child and make sure they have a special award.
Thank You
I always make sure to thank the children and their parents. I bring up the upcoming sessions as another way to advertise as well!
The Yoga Shows are always one of my favorite days! It’s so fun to see how much your classes grow and a sweet culmination of another great session!