KAY Girl Scout Patches

KAY Girl Scout Patches

The principals of yoga that we teach in Kidding Around Yoga align easily with the mission and way of the Scouts, but how do we connect with them? Here are a variety of ways to market kids yoga classes to Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops in your immediate area and beyond! In fact, troops are often searching for good troop activities, and we have that and a wonderful badge (they LOVE badges), too.

Connecting ~

  1.  If you are currently running classes, start with your students and simply ask, “Is anyone here in Girl/Boy Scouts?” If someone is, let the student’s mom know you would love to host a troop. If you can get the leader’s name, make contact yourself to set up the program.
  2. Girl Scouts run on a local, district, regional and national level. Our town has two coordinators. I let them know of the opportunity I had available for all troops and asked if they would disseminate the information to all of their troops; remember, they are looking for opportunities and you have them. An email introducing yourself and what you have to offer is a great way to start. Also remember, the easier you make it for them to give out your information the more likely they are to do it. Since I have my own studio, I offered to host their leaders’ meeting here and have flyers of upcoming opportunities always available for them. They are happy to market for me as a thank you. Create win-win opportunities when possible.
  3. Volunteer for the Scouts. Most towns or districts have an Encampment or Jamboree.  I offered to do a workshop at the last two Town-wide Encampments. I taught 150 Girl Scouts in two hours. They were quick half-hour sessions, and, yes, troops ended up booking full classes from this!
  4. Look for opportunities. Our Girl Scout Council has a mother-daughter event for those girls who share their moms as leaders with their troops. I did the event one year at $10 a pair (and let them know what a deal they were getting) and had 15 pairs of moms and daughters attend my class. If you do the math it is not bad pay for an hour’s work, and yes more bookings happened for their troops! If your local council does not have this type of event, you can suggest it AND host the first one.
  5. Opportunities are everywhere. If there are children around, there is a great chance that there is a possibility to teach a class. So simply let people know what you do. You are a walking marketing tool for your business in how you present yourself and how you act. So if you are living your yoga, chances are people will ask for your secret, especially with kids.  I was performing for little kids at a local ice cream shop and got to talking with one of the moms there. Turns out she is a troop leader for a fifth-grade troop and a third-grade troop. She booked both of them with me, and she is in another town. Once someone has a great experience with you, they will begin the marketing for you! After you teach a class to the troop, volunteer for their Encampment and the circle begins again!

Marketing beyond ~
Once you have a Scout troop in, make sure you try to keep the connection going. If they have opted to give out the patch, I attach it to my current class offering AND make sure my birthday parties are listed too.

I also try to collect email addresses from every participant and then send a thank you email following the class and a coupon for another class.

Other things to consider ~
Keep your prices fair for everyone. I am outside the Boston area and charge $10 per child and an extra $2 if they want the badge.

Make a plan for yourself and write it down. How many troops and/or individuals do want to work with? That will be your guide for how to proceed.

Remember to make your offer relevant to what the troop leader is hoping for. I have a conversation with the leader and decide the focus, and it is usually how to be kind to yourself and others, how to help the kids relax, and how to really love/like who you are right now.

While most of this has been geared towards Girl Scouts, I have had a few Cub Scouts who participate. Be open to what opportunities present themselves. Hopefully, you now have a bit more direction in how to make a connection to this incredible area of Scouting. We are in the same business when you think of it—building strong, confident children who given the right tools can change the world around them.

Good luck and happy scouting for Scouts!


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