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Mar 12 2024

The Power of Peer Teaching

Peer teaching is a method in which students take on the role of both teachers and learners, working together to enhance their understanding of a subject.

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Nov 17 2023

A conversation with Sara Dean of Shameless Mom Academy

EP. 53 | A conversation with Sara Dean of Shameless Mom Academy In this episode of Mindful Conversations with KAY, Kelly and Kristi engage in a soul-stirring...

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Pigeon: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

• Stretches thighs, groins, and psoas. • Move front shin closer to you for ease, or away for challenge. • King or Royal Pigeon: Bend back knee and reach overhead to take hold of foot with both hands.

Lotus: Padmasana

• Increases mobility and releases tension. • If uncomfortable, sit in a cross-legged position. • Swinging Lotus: press up onto your hands and swing.

Locust/Flying/Superman: Salabhasana

Strengthens back body and counteracts slouching. If your low back is uncomfortable, stretch arms behind you rather than in front. Tell a story about where you are flying to.

Hero: Virasana

Calming pose that strengthens ankles and feet. Toes should always be pointing straight back, never to the sides. Reclined Hero: in Hero, lean back until your spine is resting on the ground.

Heron: Krounchasana

Stretches hamstrings. Balance on bottom and *straighten both legs. Place peace fingers around big toes. Scissor legs out and in, out and in and say “my Heron needs a haircut!” * Never lock joints, always have a microscopic bend.

Goddess: Utkata Konasana

Opens hips and strengthens lower body. Keep knees bent to 90° and pointing outward toward pinky toes. Staying in a deep knee bend, slide body left to right.

Upward Facing Dog: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

• Opens chest and energizes the body. • Keep shoulders down and back away from the ears while lifting knees off floor. • Allow the thighs to lay on the ground for a more gentle version.

Dolphin: Catur Svanasana

• Calms brain and relieves stress and mild depression. • Firmly press palms together and forearms into the floor. • Yoga Push-Up: Make Dolphin sounds while lowering body parallel to the floor but not touching it, and then back into Dolphin like you are jumping through...

Happy Baby/Dead Bug: Ananda Balasana

• Calms mind and relieves fatigue. • Keep entire back on the ground while pulling knees toward armpits. • Stretch one leg straight and then the other while rocking left-to-right.

Side Crow: Parsva Konasana

Improves balance and strengthens arms. Keep knees tucked in close to body and look forward. Place a couple of blocks under your lower shoulder for support and balance.

Side Plank: Vasisthasana

Improves balance and strengthens arms and core. Stack hand directly under shoulder or balance on elbow if needed. Switch sides by moving through Plank to build stamina.

Episode 3

“Kristi’s Journey to Yoga and Mindfulness: From Fitness Instructor to Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher”

Episode 2

“Kelly’s Journey to Yoga and Mindfulness: How Anxiety Led to a New Mindful Path”

Bunny HOP! Easter Yoga Fun for the Family

Easter time is time for the Easter Yogi Bunny! Just as fascinating to kids as good ol' Saint Nick, the Easter Bunny leaves the best and coolest trinkets and impressions. The Bunny has even been known to make its appearance at yoga classes around these parts! The kids...


Bringing Mindfulness into the Classroom

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Relaxation & Meditation for Kids

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